Wednesday, December 07, 2005

I Have Surprised Even Myself

I'm not a big fan of bowling. It just isn't my thing. The sport itself isn't all that terrible, but the bowling atmosphere has always turned me off. When you say "bowling alley" my mind immediately conjures up images of a filthy smoke filled building occupied by fat men drinking beer and teenage cowboy wannabes. I know that this isn't exactly a fair representation, but that's what pops into my head. In light of this I was a bit surprised when a coworker invited me to join a bowling team, and I said yes. I'm not sure why, but the bowling shirt and free ball may have had something to do with it. I guess I also just wanted to get out and do something fun, and judging by my teammates buffoonery will certainly ensue. In other news, the "international" assessment team has officially passed under the shadow of the big clock and left my office, not to be seen for another three years. According to the big bosses my department passed the evaluation with flying colors. Not that I ever doubted that we did a good job, but it is nice to hear it from someone else. It's also nice to have the whole process done with for awhile. I had a inkling that things were going well all week when those in direct contact with the assessment team were in unusually high spirits, this hasn't always been the case in the past. Anyway, the official word has come done and now I can return to such innocent pleasures and wearing jeans, putting my feet on the desk, and watching F1 while at work.


stephen said...

What is the name of your bowling team? I used to bowl on a team called "The Untouchabowls."

Nathan Hackman said...

That's a great name. Despite several discussions, we haven't arrived at a name yet. I'll advise when we do.