Sunday, December 04, 2005

Buddy Lee Is A Punk.

Remember those Buddy Lee commercials a few years back where this little doll, Buddy Lee, tested blue jeans by jumping out of airplanes with them and such? At the end they would declare the jeans "Buddy Lee Tested: Can't Bust 'Em!" Well, while in a crisis of clean laundry this week I dug deep into the depths of my dresser drawers and pulled out an old pair of jeans. I was quite pleased with them because they appeared to be perfectly worn, cowboy worn, if you know what I mean. I even began to wonder if they couldn't be returned to rotation. As I unfolded the jeans I noticed the "Buddy Lee Tested: Can't Bust 'Em!" patch on the back pocket. "Ah, good old Buddy Lee" I thought to myself as I turned the jeans over and noticed a hole in the knee. My line of thought then began to more closely reflect the post title, Buddy Lee is a punk. Apparently Buddy Lee isn't all that tough. I mean he tested these jeans and couldn't bust 'em. I put a hole in them and don't even remember how I did it. Some would say that this is just another example of a cheap corporate marketing ploy, but I, in my unflagging trust of the corporate megacomplex, refuse to believe that they would intentionally deceive me like that. Instead I choose to blame Buddy Lee and am officially calling him out. Bring it on little plastic man, I'm ready. I think I might return the jeans to regular rotation in order to proudly display to the world that I am tougher than a small plastic doll.

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