Wednesday, September 06, 2006


So, I'm apparently out of the loop. I didn't know until I got to work today that Steve Irwin had died. Some of you may remember that Steve and I once spent several weeks tracking Brechty's Mom through the Pennsylvania woodlands. Sadly, we had to put her down. The tranquilizers just weren't getting the job done, but that's a story for another time. I always loved "The Croc Hunter." In my younger years I could do a pretty good imitation of him. His show was one of the best on television, because you always got the feeling that he was about two seconds away from instant death. Apparently he was. I must say that taking a stingray barb to the heart while diving off of the coast of Australia is a pretty good way to go. Rumor has it that he even pulled the barb out himself before dying. That's hardcore. I loved that khaki look too. We'll miss you buddy.


Anonymous said...

Schumacher is retiring!!!!!!!!!!!!! :(.

Unknown said...

No wonder my mom hasn't been returning my calls.
