Wednesday, November 23, 2005

The Official Thanksgiving Post

Thanksgiving is probably my favorite holiday. I say probably because it doesn't seem fair to choose Thanksgiving over holidays with such weighty theological implications as Christmas and Easter, but Thanksgiving certainly ranks high in my book. In a society that has become ridiculously polarized it seems essential to share a day of unity where we gather with loved ones to recognized the freedoms and blessings that we all enjoy. I'm talking about the really great things about being American like the post-dinner football nap, and disdain for Canada. Seriously though, I think it is important on several levels to participate in an annual day of thanks. Personally I think that it has a great deal of value, especially when we take the effort to gather with family and close friends. Nationally I feel that its even more important to look back to the original Thanksgiving feast, and recognize the amazing run of damn good luck that this country has had. That original gathering of Pilgrims and Indians holds with it some of the core values that many of us still hold as a part of our national identity. Its about people putting aside differences to pool resources and overcome adversity in the hopes of a better future. An activity that our leaders would be wise to learn from today. Ultimately Thanksgiving is about remembering that early meeting and realizing that, despite the subsequent muck we made of things, we are here despite ourselves. Its about giving thanks for grace. Oh, and stuffing your face with as much turkey and pie as possible!

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