Friday, November 11, 2005

Jumping On The Bandwagon.

After a four day absence from work due to illness and a "holiday," yes election day is a holiday where I work, I have returned to the blogging realm. I've decided to make my return by jumping on Proteinspew's quotation bandwagon and offer up some quotes of my own. I will not, however, be joining in the Chesterton fetish. Here we go.

"[Homer] attributed divine sanction for vicious acts, which had the result that immorality was no longer counted immorality and anyone who so acted would seem to follow the example not of abandoned men but of the gods in heaven."


"The words [Homer's] actually encourage the more confident committing of a disgraceful action. I bring no charge against the words which are like exquisite and precious vessels, but the wine of error is poured into them for us by drunken teachers. If we failed to drink we were caned and could not appeal to any sober judge. Yet, my God, before whose sight I recall this without the memory disturbing me, I learnt this text with pleasure and took delight in it, wretch that I was. For this reason I was said to be a boy of high promise."

I could rage on about the validity of this man's comments on sports, hip hop culture, or even the Intelligent Design trial, but I will control myself. Instead I offer up bragging rights to the first blogger to name the "boy of high promise." Do not despair, I will give some hints. The above comments were authored before 1517 (ie, Pre-Reformation), they were not authored by Luther. One of you already has a head start. Have at it.


Proteinstar said...

It's Augustine. That rogue of a boy turned theologian. I actually haven't read his Confessions in their entirity but this is in the first book. I did finish his City of God, a rather "heavy" tome it was.

Nothing like those North African mystics.

Nathan Hackman said...

While it didn't take nearly as long as I had hoped, you got it proteinstar.