Saturday, September 24, 2005


A buddy of mine managed to record the entire first race of the Gratz Fair Figure 8 Races on his digital camera, and I was waiting for him to email it to me in the hopes of posting it for you. Obviously, the lack of it here indicates that I have not yet received it. Sadly, I did not attend the races this year. After my cohorts bailed out (through events beyond their control), I decided that I did not relish a 2.5 hour round trip by myself, and spent the evening with my fiance. It was nice, and the races will return next year. From those that did attend I gleaned the following information. The track was a bit larger this year, and had fewer concrete barricades. This led to less traffic congestion, and therefore less smash 'em up action. The first few races were described as something of a disappointment. However, for some unknown reason, the drivers in the later races were consumed with rage and seemed to care more about collision than victory, which more than made up for the early timidity. For those of you who are unaware of, and trying to picture, the Gratz Races, take a healthy blend of Mad Max and Deliverance with a little bit of good old Roman bloodlust for taste, and you will be pretty close to the actual event. Anyway, when the above mentioned video becomes available to me I will be more than happy to share.

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