Thursday, July 14, 2005

It's Bastille Day!!!!!!!!

That's right my fellow bloggermen today we commemorate the day that the French conquered themselves! And what a fine job they did. You've got to hand it to the French, they know how to have a revolution. Here in America it was sort of a once and done thing. We defeated the most powerful nation in the world, made up some laws, then moved straight on to the fireworks and barbecue. In France they did it a bit differently. They had their revolution, then a bit of counter-revolution, then some rerevolution. It was best that way as nobody felt left out. Seriously though, you have to appreciate a country that annually celebrates a prison break. I have always been a bit suspect of the fact that Bastille Day happened exactly ten days after Independence Day. It really just takes the originality out of the whole thing. David Moncoutie celebrated his Frenchness today by winning a stage of the Tour De France. The crowd was very pleased. If only there weren't that pesky American sitting in the background with a bright yellow shirt on.

1 comment:

Proteinstar said...

We don't even reflect on the end or beginning of the Civil War. Why? It was a travesty. Brother fighting brother and all that. The French, they have to celebrate Bastille Day it's the only time they won a battle without help. If they had lost the rest of the world would be celebrating.