Monday, February 16, 2009

Philosophizing and the State of the Perpetually Worthless.

When Jesus talked about Hell he used the word "Gehena," which was actually the formal name for a garbage dump just outside of Jerusalem that was perpetually on fire. when you think about this, it is possible that Hell isn't some remote geographic region, but is actually located near a land of great wealth. Where would the piles of smoldering refuse come from if not from a place constantly creating new and wonderful things, thus rendering old things worthless? Gehena itself was located outside of the regional center of culture and religion. If the concept is true, then perhaps Hell doesn't specifically have any geographic boundaries at all, it is merely a state of worthlessness. Your keys, for example, are valuable to you, but if you lose them they suddenly lose thier value. You may search for them, because they still have the potential to be valuable, but as long as they remain lost they are not. It doesn't matter where they are lost at. They could be under your couch, in your jacket, or as far away as the city dump, as long as they are lost they are in Gehena, the land of the perpetually worthless. Their geographic location matters little, but their status in relation to the land of great wealth does. Because they are lost they are in Gehena. Hell could actually be described as the State of the Perpetually Worthless.

That was the straight forward part. Stick with me for a quantum leap of logic (also, prepare to be offended). This past weekend Protienstar had some family visit from Rhode Island. On their trip, they briefly got off of the highway in New Jersey and got lost because they were in Jersey and didn't know where they were. I would argue the opposite. I think that they were in New Jersey because they were lost (don't get ahead of me now!). What is New Jersey other than a vaguely described state located between lands of great wealth, New York, the shore, and Philadelphia (ok, Philly's a stretch)? Who among us hasn't heard some grand tale of being lost in New Jersey? Could it be, that New Jersey isn't so much described geographically for what it is, but for what it isn't when related to the lands of great wealth? Think about it. When people get lost in New Jersey they do so because they have left or avoided a regional center for culture and entertainment. They have rendered themselves worthless to the places that matter in the world and are condemned to fester in Gehena. So the next time you find yourself on some shell of a road, trying to find your way home from the beach, remember, you aren't lost because you are in New Jersey. You are in New Jersey because you are lost.


Proteinstar said...

I am offended...You spelled my name wrong.

I like the concept, you're not lost in New Jersey, your in New Jersey because you are lost.

I'm making t-shirts.

Cavatica said...

Oh no! We are going to hell for our vacation in June. Now you tell me. And the beach house is reserved and everything.

Can I add to the back of the t-shirt that I survived my vacation in hell? Well, I'm hoping to return, anyway.