Saturday, May 06, 2006

Random Thoughts.

Without prompting a secondary deluge of profanity from Brecthy, I would like to announce that The Tony Danza Show is being cancelled and will be off of the air in less than a month! Apparently the network execs felt the power of my blog scorn.

The other day my local Public Works crew was out repainting the lines on the local roads while I was out riding my bike. I would like to thank them for the fresh paint on my bike tires, but that isn't the point. I discovered one of those "support our troops" ribbon magnet things lying on the road. The road crew had painted over it so it was effectively painted into the roadway. For the remainder of my ride my thoughts were filled with new slogans for the ribbons. My favorite is a chocolate brown ribbon stating "Avoid Flatulence Causing Foods."

Take it from someone with education, training, and experience. If your primary duty at work is to catch stray dogs you probably don't "need" to have body armor equipped with a titanium trauma plate. Then again, that is just my opinion.

Finally my most disturbing random thought of the week. If Anne Heche was straight, then gay, then straight again does that prohibit us from being able to consider her hot? I saw a clip of her on some TV show and thought, "That girl is kind of cute." Then I thought, "Whole Crap! That was Anne Heche! I am not a man." Brecthy pointed out that merely being gay doesn't eliminate hotness. The Fiance still thinks that Heath Ledger is hot despite Brokeback Mountain (which she conveniently refuses to acknowledge exists). Good point, but I still couldn't allow myself to consider Anne Heche as attractive. Then I thought that it was because she dated Ellen Degeneres. But Ellen, despite being a bit mannish, is likeable and entertaining. So why then, was I so repulsed by the fact that I briefly thought that Anne Heche was cute? Six Days Seven Nights is why. That film was such an affront to my sense of taste that it has forever ruined my opinion of everyone involved. I have never looked at Harrison Ford the same way since. Sometimes I watch Star Wars and hope that Luke Skywalker punches him out. All because of Six Days Seven Nights.

1 comment:

Proteinstar said...

I'm pretty sure that if Luke Skywalker punched out Harrison Ford we would have skipped the 80's entirely. It's considered, in my world, one of the greatest missed opportunities in history.