Friday, January 27, 2006

Vote Rover!!!

I know many of you are waiting for the results of the latest Formula De race on Rover's Racing World. I promise you I have scheduled it in after dinner so they will be up tonight. However, I now have a matter of more pressing (read entertaining) importance. A coworker has encouraged me to start a write-in campaign for Pennsylvania Governor. I figure why not? So here it is. I am officially announcing my candidacy for Pennsylvania Governor in 2006. I view myself as the people's candidate. While others are hobnobbing with the gambling lobby and other heavy hitters, I am keeping it real with my immigrant friend at the 7-11 and that lady that stamps my electric bill at the borough office. While I do not have any influential family members, and never belonged to the Free Masons, I feel that we can really make a run at this thing. So remember, write me in on May 16th!! I will provide further details on my platform in later posts.

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