Friday, March 09, 2007

I'm Back. . .Again

Since proteinstar has yet again demanded a post, here it is. Sorry I haven't been around lately, but things have been a tad busy, and I haven't felt like I have anything to offer. Here's today's dilemma though. Roverine and I are making a commitment to get in better shape over the next few months. Step one was having a goal. We chose the Five Boro Bike Tour in NYC. We are still hammering out a training program, but I was initially concerned with where I would find the time to fit a training program into my already "busy" schedule. Today I came to the realization that I actually have a ton of free time. I just don't manage it very well. I have a whole list of things that I would like to do "if I had the time." Among them are more reading, more exercise (specifically cycling), and more "good husband" time (which equates to more cleaning). So what exactly eats up my free time? Three things. Playstation, TV, and work. It isn't that I work all that much, but I do work a fair amount of bizarre mid-day shifts that eat up all of the daylight hours during the winter. I can't really do much about work (although I am working on a plan). That leaves TV and Playstation. Due to my Formula One obsession, I am unwilling to part with cable TV at this time. Playstation now falls under my crosshairs. Roverine and I use my PS2 almost daily for exercise videos, and we have also discovered the joys of Dance Dance Revoltution. So I think the console will stay, but I may sell off my game collection. Maybe not all of the games, but do I really need four different F1 games, a NASCAR game, rally racing, Gran Turismo 4, and Indy Car? I love my PS2 time, but I am pushing 30. Maybe it is time to move on. I think my life would be much more fulfilling if I found other uses for my time. So help me out here. PS2 games, stay or go?


Anonymous said...

Mr. and Mrs. Superswede might be interested in some of those games you're wanting to part with.

Anonymous said...

Dance Dance Revolution - wow, that'll get you in shape! I've only observed at the arcade and it's impressive.

I like your definition of "good husband time." There is nothing sexier than a man who cleans. Can I say sexy on this blog? Cooking works too.

Anyway, I love my new blog. I was having quite a lot of trouble with Blogger and decided to try something different. It began as an experiment, but I haven't had any of the troubles with the new blog that I had with the old. I debated about using Typepad, which costs $50- a year and would have done it if I wasn't happy with Wordpress, but for now I'm quite pleased. I'll probably delete the Blogger blog eventually, but not just yet.

Anonymous said...

You inspired me to post about a difference between the sexes on my blog.

Proteinstar said...

Gadzooks man!!! Sell your games!? Are you mad?! There is only one reason you sell your games, one. And that's to buy more games. Period. They themselves are the rich fertile loam in which better games will spring forth. Destroy their source and you will see a famine of gaming in your household. For you will be hard pressed to convert funds dedicated to cleaning solutions and toilet cleansers to funds used for games. There will be no turning back my friend. It will be Rummikub for you.